5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins [Generate More Leads]

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As a business owner, you know the importance of high conversion rates and effective lead generation. Popups can improve both of these areas easily

Popups are effective tools for capturing visitor attention, promoting offers, and collecting valuable contact information. Without popups, businesses may struggle to engage visitors effectively, potentially leading to lower conversion rates and reduced growth opportunities.

But the best part is there are a WordPress popup plugins available which can help you with this. So, in this article, we’ll take a look at some of the best popup plugins that will definitely help you to fulfill your business goals. Also, there are some best practices included in the article that you can consider to create creative and engaging popups.

Ready? Let’s get started.

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    What are Popups?

    Popups are small windows that appear on your website, usually with a message or a call to action like asking visitors to sign up for a newsletter, download a free guide, or check out a special offer. 

    They pop up over the main content of the page to grab the visitor’s attention. Because they appear directly in front of your visitors, popups are hard to miss. This makes them great for important messages or promotions.

    Whether you want more newsletter subscribers, sales, or webinar sign-ups, popups can significantly increase your conversion rates.

    However, it’s important to use them in a way that is respectful of your visitors’ experience

    6 Best Practices to Create Effective Popups for Your Website.

    • Target the Right Audience: Personalize the popup content to make it more relevant to the visitor. For example, use their name if you have it, or create the offer based on their previous interactions with the site.
    • Perfect Popup Timing: Set the popup to appear at the right moment, such as after the visitor has spent a certain amount of time on the page, scroll to a specific point, or is about to leave, and Use settings to prevent the same user from seeing the popup too frequently.
    • Offer Clear Value: The offer you are showing your visitors should offer clear value to the visitors such as using a clear and compelling CTA that tells visitors exactly what they will get and what they need to do to get it.
    • Design for User Experience: Make sure the popup is visually attractive and easy to interact with. It should match the overall design of the website. Also, Provide a clear and easy way for users to close the popup if they’re not interested.
    • A/B Testing: Don’t rely on just one popup, Create different versions of the popup with variations in text, design, and timing. Test these variations to see which performs better.
    • Analyze Performance: Use analytics tools to track key metrics such as conversion rate, click-through rate, and bounce rate. Regularly review the performance data and make adjustments as needed to improve the effectiveness of the popup.

    Best WordPress Popup Plugins

    Sr.No.Popup PluginsPrice (Starting From)
    1.Popup Builder by Nexter Blocks$35/yr
    2.Popup MakerFree + $99/yr
    3.HustleFree + $180/yr
    4.Popup Builder by OptinMonster$300/yr
    5.PopupAllyFree + $99/yr

    1. Popup Builder by Nexter Blocks

    After X Scroll Popup Demo by Nexter Blocks - 5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins [Generate More Leads]

    After X Scroll Popup Demo by Nexter Blocks 

    Popup Builder by Nexter Block is one of the best WordPress popup builders. With the help of this plugin, you can create highly converting modal popups, and off-canvas popups for your WordPress website and engage your audience in your business.

    This Popup Builder also allows you to set triggers for when your popup should appear. For example, you can set it to appear after a certain amount of time, or when a user is about to leave your site. This gives you more control over the user experience and helps you to deliver targeted messages to your visitors.

    Also, there are other various trigger options available for your popups such as on-page load, on-click, on-scroll, etc.

    You can also give scratch, peel, and slider effects to your popups which make the popups more engaging and draw attention.

    If you are looking for a more unique customization option then, this popup builder is for you. It has more than 300 customization options available for modal and off-canvas popups.

    Multiple Popup layouts - 5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins [Generate More Leads]

    With its, 25+ highly customizable ready-made templates you don’t need to create one from scratch, and being customizable you can modify the template however you want that matches your brand color. 

    Now comes the best part, With the help of its cross-domain copy-paste feature you can copy the template from the demo page and simply paste it on your Gutenberg Editor.

    Here’s how you can do it:

    YouTube video

    Key Features of Popup Builder by Nexter Blocks

    • Drag-and-drop builder: The plugin comes with a drag-and-drop builder that allows you to create custom popups without any coding skills. You can simply drag and drop elements to create your desired layout.
    • 25+ Pre-Build Templates: If you do not have time to create popups from scratch then you can use pre-build and highly customizable templates. Just modify the template style that matches your brand identity and you are ready to go.
    • 300+ Customization Options:  There are 300+ Customization options available for unique off-canvas and modal popups.
    • Responsive design: Popup Builder by Nexter Blocks is designed to be responsive, which means that your popups will look great on any device, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
    • Various trigger options: You can choose when your popups should appear to visitors, such as when a user opens the page when a visitor is about to leave the page, and many more trigger options.
    • Specific URL popup: With this powerful feature you can display targeted popups to visitors who land on your website from a specific URL. For instance, if a visitor comes from a particular promotional campaign, referral site, or social media platform, you can show a relevant popup that enhances their experience
    • Detailed analytics: The plugin provides detailed analytics that allows you to track the performance of your popups. You can see how many times they have been viewed, how many times they have been clicked, and how many conversions they have generated.

    Pricing of Popup Builder by Nexter

    Popup Builder by Nexter Blocks comes with the premium plan of Nexter Blocks which starts from $35/yr for 1 site, $63 for 5 sites, and $118 for unlimited sites. Once you buy the premium version of Nexter Blocks you will also get the premium versions of The Plus Addons for Elementor, and The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg.

    2. Popup Maker

    Popup Maker - 5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins [Generate More Leads]

    Popup Maker can be considered as a great WordPress popup plugin. This popup plugin allows you to create different popups such as lead generation popups, E-commerce popups, etc.

    Also, if you want your popups to appear at a specific time then you can do it easily with the help of its scheduling popup feature where you can choose the start date, end date, date range, etc. of your popup. 

    Its exit intent popup allows you to display a popup when a customer abandons their WooCommerce cart or a pricing page, or offer a free trial when visitors are about to leave your site.

    One valuable feature to consider is geo-targeting, which allows you to display popups based on your visitor’s location-specific criteria.

    Key Features of Popup Maker

    • Multiple Popup Creation: Popup Maker allows you to create a wide range of popups, including email opt-in popups, content upgrades, exit-intent popups, and more. 
    • Scheduling Popup: This feature allows you to schedule popups to appear at the most relevant moments. Whether you want to engage users as they enter your site or after they’ve spent a certain amount of time on a page.
    • Popup Analytics: Popup Maker provides real-time analytics of popups so you can learn how each popup is performing.
    • Integrations: This plugin integrates with a wide range of third-party tools, including email marketing services, CRM tools, and more. This allows you to easily integrate your popups with your existing marketing stack.

    Pricing of Popup Maker

    Popup Maker is a freemium WordPress popup plugins. The price of the paid plan starts from $99/yr and goes up to $299/yr.

    3. Hustle

    Hustle - 5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins [Generate More Leads]

    Hustle is the ultimate marketing plugin by WPMU DEV that can help you generate leads, increase conversions, and boost your email marketing efforts.

    Along with that, you can also create attractive Pop-ups, slide-ins, after-post opt-ins, etc for your website and you can customize your popups with different designs, colors, and fonts to match your website’s branding.

    There are also plenty of pre-designed popups, slide-ins, and embed templates available,  this plugin also supports both the classic editor plugin and Gutenberg so you can easily add your desired popup, slide-in, or embed style in your website without using shortcodes.

    Key Features of Hustle

    • Pre-designed Templates: It has a plethora of ready-made templates for popups, slide-ins, and embeds that you can easily import without shortcodes.
    • Smart Exit-Intent: This feature is designed to capture the attention of visitors just as they are about to leave your website. This intelligent tool detects when a user is about to navigate away and triggers a well-timed popup.
    • Smart Trigger Options: Hustle offers four trigger options: on-page load, scroll, click, and exit. This means you can choose the trigger that works best for your website and your audience.
    • Performance Analytics: This feature allows you to learn about the insights of the popups, slide-ins, or embeds that you have created in chart visual representations directly on your WordPress dashboard.

    Pricing of Hustle

    The price of Hustle starts from $180/yr and goes up to $240/yr.

    4. Popup builder by OptinMonster

    Popup builder by OptinMonster - 5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins [Generate More Leads]

    Popup Builder by OptinMonster is a popular drag-and-drop popup builder that helps you create attractive popups for your WordPress site.

    With the help of this plugin, you can create multiple popups for different marketing campaigns such as lightbox popups, floating bar popups, slide-in popups, etc. 

    Also, it has a plethora of highly customizable popup templates available to choose from for every business type. You can easily search them by your industry, or business goal.

    The popup you will create comes with a smart page targeting feature which means you can show custom popups according to a specific page or section of your site and also based on the user’s geolocation.

    Key Features of Popup Builder by OptinMonster

    • Drag & Drop Popup Builder: Easily create attractive and engaging popups with this plugin for your every campaign need without writing a single line of code.
    • OnSite Retargeting: With the help of this feature you can showcase new promotions and deals to repeat visitors based on previous interaction with the website.
    • A/B Testing: With A/B testing, you can compare different popups to determine which ones are performing well and which ones are not effective for your campaign.
    • AI Popups: This feature uses advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and proven high-converting copywriting principles to automatically enhance the text in your popups. It takes the guesswork out of creating effective messages and helps you engage your audience more successfully.

    Pricing of Popup Builder by OptinMonster

    The prices of the Popup Builder start from $300/yr and goes up to $1500/yr.

    5. PopupAlly

    PopupAlly - 5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins [Generate More Leads]

    Last but not least, PopupAlly is also a great poll plugin for WordPress to consider. This poll plugin is very easy to use. This is a freemium poll plugin.

    The popups you will create using this plugin will be mobile responsive, which means your users can fill out the opt-in forms using mobile and tablets.

    With the help of its click-based activation feature, you can precisely control the popups that will only appear when any user clicks on any particular link which gives power to deliver the information your visitors need.

    Also, its time delay feature allows you to control when your popups appear on your website. Instead of showing the popup immediately when a visitor arrives, you can set a specific delay time.

    Key Features of PopupAlly

    • Exit-Intent Popups: With its exit-intent technology detects when a user is about to leave your website and displays a popup form to capture their email address or other information. This feature has been shown to increase conversions and reduce bounce rates
    • Multiple Opt-in Forms: You can create multiple opt-in forms for different pages or sections of your website. You can choose from a variety of form types, including lightbox popups, inline forms, and slide-ins.
    • Integration with Email Marketing Services: PopupAlly integrates with a variety of email marketing services, including Mailchimp, AWeber, and Constant Contact. This allows you to automatically add new subscribers to your email list and send them targeted campaigns and newsletters.
    • Mobile Responsive: PopupAlly’s popups are fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. This means that your popups will look great and function properly on smartphones and tablets, as well as desktop computers.

    Pricing of PopupAlly

    The price of PopupAlly is $99/yr.

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      Which WordPress Popup Plugin Should You Choose?

      Choosing the best WordPress popup plugin is important for business growth. A high-quality popup builder enhances user engagement by creating visually appealing and dynamic popups that capture attention. 

      It allows for targeted marketing by displaying specific messages to the right audience based on their behavior and demographics, making your efforts more relevant and impactful.

      The popup plugin you choose will depend on your personal preferences and business requirements.

      Still, there are some factors you can consider while choosing the popup plugin for your WordPress site.

      Firstly, the plugin you choose should be easy to use means the plug-in should have plug-and-play functionalities.

      Secondly, the plugin should feature drag-and-drop functionality, allowing you to design your popups by simply dragging and dropping various styles, templates, and elements.

      It should also have a plethora of customization options available so that you can create unique attractive and responsive popups for your campaigns.

      There should have pre-build templates popup templates so that you don’t need to waste time creating one from scratch. Last but not least it should be Budget Friendly.

      So if you are also looking for a pop plugin that fulfills all the factors mentioned above, then we highly recommend you use Popup Builder by Nexter Blocks.

      It is very easy to use, it has drag-and-drop functionality the main thing is it has 300+ customization options for modal and off-canvas popups and 25+ Prebuild popup templates to choose from and what not.

      Also, the Popup builder is only one key block of over 90 essential Gutenberg blocks available from Nexter Blocks.  

      These blocks enable you to create and customize your Gutenberg website with attractive and visually appealing designs.

      The Plus Blocks for Gutenberg 3 - 5 Best WordPress Popup Plugins [Generate More Leads]

      Check out the complete collection of 90+ Gutenberg Blocks here. Start creating your dream website today.

      FAQs on WordPress Popup Plugins

      What is a popup builder in WordPress?

      A popup builder in WordPress is a tool that helps create and customize popup windows on your website. It allows users to design visually appealing popups for various purposes like capturing leads, promoting offers, or providing information

      How to create an exit popup in WordPress?

      To create an exit popup in WordPress, install a popup builder plugin like Popup Builder by Nexter Blocks. Customize your popup content and settings, including trigger options like exit-intent. 

      What is an on-click popup form in WordPress?

      An onclick popup form in WordPress is a form that appears when a user clicks on a designated element, such as a button or link. It is triggered by user interaction and is typically used for capturing user information or prompting actions without navigating away from the current page.

      What are the best practices for implementing a pop-up on page load in WordPress?

      When implementing a pop-up on page load in WordPress, it is essential to ensure that the pop-up is not intrusive or annoying to your website visitors. The pop-up should be well-designed, clear, and concise, with a clear call to action. It is also important to set the timing and frequency of the pop-up appropriately.

      How to create a popup in WordPress without a plugin?

      To create popups in WordPress without a plugin, you can manually code them using JavaScript and HTML within your theme files. Ensure to follow best practices for integrating scripts and styling to maintain site performance and functionality.